No matter what your ability, paying attention to your iron spin rate is going to help us improve your ball flight and approach play.
Spin rates vary throughout your iron set. On longer approaches, you want less distance-sapping back- and side-spin, so your long irons fly further and straighter, whereas closer to the green, you want more control and hop-and-stop spin. Once we’ve looked at your swing speed and attack angle to see how you’re launching the ball, we’ll set you up for progressive spin rates through your bag.
High spin rates can cause your ball to “balloon” and cost you precious yards. According to TrackMan, the average 10-handicap golfer generates 3192 revolutions per minute (rpm) with driver, whereas the average 5-handicap golfer generates 2987. A fitting with TrackMan helps us to strike the balance between spin rate and loft to help you gain valuable extra yards.